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The Livelihood Zone Map for Sierra Leone is the result of a workshop in October 2016, it updates the livelihood zone map produced in November 2010.
A livelihood zone is an area within which people share broadly the same pattern of livelihood, including options for obtaining food and income and market opportunities. A livelihood zoning is essential for the following reasons:
• It provides geographic orientation of livelihood systems to inform food security analysis and assistance targeting
• It provides the basis for identifying geographically relevant food security monitoring indicators
• It provides a sampling frame for future on-the-ground assessments
Livelihood patterns clearly vary from one geographic area to another, which is why the preparation of a Livelihood Zone Map is a logical first step for livelihoods-based analysis.
The following eleven (10) livelihood zones are established for Sierra Leone:
• SL01 - Tonkolli Food Crops, Gold and Iron Ore
• SL02 - Bombali Food Crops, Peppers, Tobacco and Livestock
• SL03 - Western Rice, Root Crops, Cereals and Trade Belt
• SL04 - Coastal Food Crops and Fishing
• SL05 - Kailahun-Kenema-Pujehun Cash Crops, Food Crops and Trade
• SL06 - Kono-Kenema-Bo Rice, Tree Crops and Timbers
• SL07 - Koinadugu Food Crops, Livestock and Trade
• SL08 - Follosoba Dembellia and Wara Wara Yagala Vegetables
• SL09 - Freetown Peri-Urban
• SL10 - Rice Bowl Areas
Livelihood Zone Map illustrates the country by zone, showing areas where people generally have the same options for obtaining food and income and engaging in trade.