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Most areas will likely remain in Stressed (IPC Phase 2) food insecurity until September 2016 as income from petty trade in most part of the country remains below average and local market and household stock levels remain reduced since the last seasons below average harvest. Households producing cocoa and coffee will also continue to have reduced purchasing power following a poor marketing period in 2015/16 with below average cocoa production and coffee prices.
Land preparation for the main harvest (Sept/Dec) continues normally and average or slightly below average rainfall is forecasted by NOAA for the season. The preparation of cocoa and coffee plantations in April will provide normal income opportunities for poor households in the Eastern region and the minor harvest is providing some income to households producing palm oil, vegetables and cassava in Feb/March. The lifting of the Ebola restrictions is improving labor opportunities across the country.
Forage for livestock rearing will remain normal to slightly below average in the typical pastoral low season in March/April. However, income for livestock traders and agro-pastoralists, who are mostly based in the Northeast in Koinadugu, is above average, given the Easter holiday at the end of March. The holiday triggered an increased supply of cattle into the market which will maintain demand and prices through the low season.
For more detailed analysis, see the Food Security Outlook for February – September 2016
This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.