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The livelihood zone map for Liberia is the result of a workshop in April 2017, it updates the map produced in Janurary 2011.
A livelihood zone is an area within which people share broadly the same pattern of livelihood, including options for obtaining food and income and market opportunities. A livelihood zoning is essential for the following reasons:
- It provides geographic orientation of livelihood systems to inform food security analysis and assistance targeting
- It provides the basis for identifying geographically relevant food security monitoring indicators
- It provides a sampling frame for future on-the-ground assessments
Livelihood patterns clearly vary from one geographic area to another, which is why the preparation of a Livelihood Zone Map is a logical first step for livelihoods-based analysis.
The following 10 livelihood zones were identified in Liberia:
LR01 - North-East Rice Farming Palm Oil
LR02 - North/Central Rice with Cassava and Market Gardening
LR03 - South-East Rice with Cassava
LR04 - Coastal Plain Cassava with Rice and Inland Fishing
LR05 - Coastal Fishing and Cassava
LR06 - Rice Intercropped and Forest Hunting
LR07 - Border Cacao and Coffee Farming
LR08 - Rubber and Charcoal with Food Crops
LR09 - Peri-Urban: Petty Trade, Market Gardening and Casual Employment
LR10 - Mining/Concession and Farming Zone
Livelihood Zone Map illustrates the country by zone, showing areas where people generally have the same options for obtaining food and income and engaging in trade.