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Despite the dry spells at the start of the season and the poor spatio-temporal distribution of rainfall, an upturn in rainfall was observed in the Sudanian zone at the beginning of July. In this zone, the phenological stages of cereals vary between tillering and sprouting. In Moyen Chari, catch-up sorghum planting continues. In Mandoul, early maize, cultivated around huts is now available. In the eastern Sahel (Dar Sila, Ouaddaï, Wadi Fira), where rains are more frequent, the campaign is proceeding normally and planting is underway.
Despite the onset of the season, an atypical presence of transhumant herders has been noted in Moyen Chari and Mandoul, due to the trend towards increased permanent settlement observed over the past two years. Settlements on the outskirts of agricultural areas are reported. However, a few temporary encampments of the initial pastoralists, in the process of returning to their Sahel base areas, have been observed around N'Djamena and on the borders between Chari Baguirmi and Mayo Kebbi Est.
In addition to seasonally lower levels, supplies to cereal markets remain atypically low due to higher transport costs. An upward trend in prices compared with the five-year average has been observed in the Sahelian zone, due to pressure on cereal markets resulting from lower volumes of manufactured food products (pasta, rice, etc.) and pressure from transhumant herders. For example, despite cereal sales at moderate prices, millet prices have risen by 45 percent in Abéché and 47 percent in Biltine as a result of strong demand coupled with the increasing flows to Borkou and Tibesti.
In the western Sahel (BEG, Kanem), very poor and poor households are facing significant drops in income as a result of restrictions on access to security in gold-mining areas, which limit migration opportunities. As a result, they have reduced access to food due to the atypical upward trend in market prices, and are in Crisis (IPC Phase 3). Given the reduced volume of food assistance currently being provided, displaced persons and host households on the Lake have reduced their basic food consumption and are Stressed (IPC Phase 2!). In the Sudanian zone, the combination of early harvests and residual stocks means that households face Minimal (IPC Phase 1) food insecurity.
This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.