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Persistent conflict and sectarian violence continue to prolong the displacement of people in cities and along certain major roadways across the country. According to UNOCHA estimates as of August 13th, there are still 509,000 displaced persons, including 84,000 in Bangui alone. These unstable conditions are disrupting normal livelihood strategies and limiting humanitarian access.
Below-average harvests, limited sources of income, problems with food access, and reduced food consumption continue to result in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) acute food security outcomes through December for households in areas hardest hit by the conflict (i.e. Ouham, Ouham Pende, Nana Mambere, and Ouaka).
Household food security conditions in areas less impacted by the conflict (Sangha and lower Kotto) have improved with ongoing harvests. However, their below-average incomes due to the unstable economic climate will make it difficult for most of these households to meet all their essential nonfood expenses. Thus, they will continue to face Stressed (IPC Phase 2) acute food insecurity through December.
With the civil conflict disrupting normal livelihood strategies in nearly all livelihood zones in the country, the nutritional situation is a continuing source of concern. The number of admissions to treatment facilities for severe acute malnutrition in most prefectures with functioning nutritional rehabilitation units has been on the rise since February. There is also a high risk of a deterioration in the epidemiological situation of malaria and diarrhea in most parts of the country at this time of year, which is the lean season.
The Central African Republic has been ravaged by civil insecurity and conflicts for the past few years, with a sharp escalation in violence since December 2013. According to OCHA, there were approximately 825,000 internally displaced persons at the height of the conflict in January 2014. The number of displaced persons has declined with slight improvements in security conditions, the beginning of the rainy season, and the flight of many households to neighboring countries, but is still around 509,000 people (or nearly 11 percent of the population). In addition to population displacements, reports by food security partners show increases in the food insecurity of poor households, with the conflict disrupting crop production, limiting sources of income, curtailing humanitarian access, and interfering with the normal functioning of markets. Recent field assessments by partner organizations also found most households to have sharply reduced their food consumption to a single daily meal and to be relying on negative, non-viable coping strategies such as the sale of assets in order to access food.
To better understand the impact of civil insecurity and losses of livelihoods on household food insecurity in conflict-torn areas, FEWS NET organized an assessment mission to Bangui with partners active in the food security and nutrition. During this mission, the team visited actors (U. N. agencies, domestic and international NGOs, and government offices) in charge of food security monitoring, market research, health and nutrition services, and the situation of displaced populations. It also collected qualitative and quantitative data on sources of food and income, and the current and projected status of staple food supply, demand, and prices.
For more information on the results of this assessment, please download the full report.
Source : FEWS NET
In remote monitoring, a coordinator typically works from a nearby regional office. Relying on partners for data, the coordinator uses scenario development to conduct analysis and produce monthly reports. As less data may be available, remote monitoring reports may have less detail than those from countries with FEWS NET offices. Learn more about our work here.