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Food availability and access largely remain favorable across Mozambique

Food availability and access largely remain favorable across Mozambique

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  • Key Messages
  • Key Messages
    • As the lean season progresses in southern and central areas, the majority of poor households countrywide are facing None (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity, except in parts of Sofala, Manica, and Tete provinces where Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes are present. However, in northwest Sofala Province, there has been a deterioration to Crisis (IPC Phase 3), and these outcomes, requiring humanitarian assistance, are expected to persist until the harvest in mid-April. Some poor households in these areas are atypically consuming larger amounts of wild foods to meet their minimum food needs. 

    • According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA), land preparation is ongoing countrywide. As of the end of October, 37 percent of planned areas had been prepared. The rainy season is off to a positive start across most southern and central areas with average to above average rainfall. It is likely that mid-November rainfall may have triggered massive planting in southern areas. 

    • As market dependence grows for poor households, food access remains relatively favorable as maize grain prices are generally below five-year averages in most markets. From September to October, the prices displayed a mixed behavior characterized by some seasonal rises, notable in Chimoio and Nampula; some atypical declines in Tete; and stability in Pemba and Maxixe. The largest increase was in the southern Chókwe market, where maize grain prices rose sharply by 44 percent compared to the previous month. 

    This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.

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