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Rains have been delayed for more than 30 days in most parts of the southern region and between 10 to 20 days in the central region. This dryness will likely have negative impacts on crop production this season due to a shortened growing season. The late start is also expected to prolong the lean period for households and reduce agriculture labor opportunities, adversely impacting incomes among households that are dependent on markets for food purchases.
The Farm Input Subsidy Program is facing implementation delays, resulting in a low supply of inputs to farmers across the country. The start of the rains may worsen road conditions, further delaying delivery, and this could restrict input access for farmers this season and possibly lead to reduced production for the next consumption season.
Humanitarian assistance to approximately 640,000 people identified as food insecure countrywide is on schedule. As part of the humanitarian assistance programming that is likely to start by the third week of December, an estimated 57 percent are receiving assistance in the form of cash and 43 percent are receiving assistance in-kind. Initially the assistance will be rolled out in the first cohort of districts and between January and February in additional districts.
This Food Security Outlook Update provides an analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography over the next six months. Learn more here.