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Early rice harvests are ongoing in the central and southern highlands and production is expected to be near normal in areas that received normal rainfall. Production is expected to be below average in parts of the west that received only 25 to 50 percent of normal rainfall. Similarly, poor rainfall in the east is likely to affect cash crop production (cloves and litchis). The north continues to receive above normal rain which is favorable to cash crops like vanilla, which will be harvested in July. Rainfall is expected to be average in the west and extreme south, above average in the north, and below average in the east and southwest in April and May 2019.
More than 16,000 MT of rice from Pakistan arrived at Toamasina port in mid-March as part of government’s order for the subsidized sales. At the time, imported rice prices were 15 to 30 percent above the five-year average in most markets, but similar or less than last year at the same time. Since mid-January, prices have remained stable in most markets and decreased in the south with the return of normal trade flows once roads recovered from the heavy rains. Local rice prices also remained stable compared to the previous month and last year, except in the south where some markets are not well supplied. In main cities, and in the southeast, staple prices have started to decrease because of new harvests.
In Betioky and Ampanihy districts in the south, more than 40 people were killed according the BNGRC in flash floods following heavy rains in late February 2019. At least 400 livestock, including cattle, goats, sheep and chicken also died as a result. Effects on crops are still being assessed.
In March, poor and very poor households in Mahafaly Plain: Cassava, Goats and Cattle (MG 23) are experiencing Stressed (IPC Phase 2!) acute food insecurity. Most parts of Androy Semi-Arid Cassava, Maize and Livestock (MG 24) are also in Stressed (IPC Phase 2!) expect in Beloha where the situation is worse despite the contribution of humanitarian assistance and is in Crisis (IPC Phase 3!). In the Southeast: coffee, litchis, cassava (MG 19), and in Rice and lima bean - Tulear II (MG20), the situation remains stable in Stressed (IPC Phase 2) acute food insecurity. For other households throughout Madagascar, Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity is expected.
This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.