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Conflicts continue to limit access to household livelihoods in affected areas

Conflicts continue to limit access to household livelihoods in affected areas

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  • Key Messages
  • Key Messages
    • The Kasai and Tanganyika Regions are currently experiencing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) due to recurrent inter-community conflicts. The area between these two zones is experiencing Stressed (IPC Phase 2) conditions. The lean season started earlier than usual and areas in IPC Phase 3 will need humanitarian assistance to preserve the livelihoods of the most vulnerable.  

    • Taking into account the increased reliance on supplies from the less affected areas and Provinces (Demba, Nweka and Sankuru) in the Kasai Region, the resumption of rail traffic on the Kananga Mwene-Ditu tracks, closed since the beginning of the conflicts, and the lifting of the ban on the export of Zambian maize, should provide an opportunity to maintain an average supply of basic foods. 

    • According to NOAA, seasonal cumulative precipitation from September and October 2017 until April 2018 is likely to be average to below-average in the southern part of the DRC, particularly in the former Katanga. This situation should encourage a normal agricultural season A, and likely average crop production, with the exception of the Kasai region where there is a timid and uncertain recovery of season A because of the low level of return of displaced people, estimated at 12 percent over the region as a whole.

    • Despite the favorable weather conditions forecasted by NOAA, the resumption of the agricultural season in the Crisis (IPC Phase 3) regions, Kasai and Tanganyika, will be slower because of the limited return of households to agricultural livelihoods in these conflict regions. Many are currently residing in urban centers with host families. This situation will jeopardize the level of production in the conflict regions, particularly as more people are displaced.

    This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.

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