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Assistance needs remain high as food security emergency continues

Assistance needs remain high as food security emergency continues

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  • Key Messages
  • Key Messages
    • Large populations in Yemen continue to face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or Emergency (IPC Phase 4) acute food insecurity, the latter of which is associated with increased acute malnutrition and an increased risk of excess mortality. In a worst-case scenario, significant declines in commercial imports below requirement levels and conflict that cuts populations off from trade and humanitarian assistance for an extended period could drive food security outcomes in line with Famine (IPC Phase 5). 

    • Large-scale humanitarian assistance continues to play an important role in reducing the severity of acute food insecurity outcomes in Yemen. In August 2017, WFP distributed in-kind and voucher assistance to approximately 7 million people. At current funding and assistance levels, WFP expects to continue providing assistance through October 2017. After October, a partial pipeline break is expected to result in the provision of wheat-only distributions through December 2017.

    • Field reports suggest the floating of the Yemeni Rial in mid-August has not yet resulted in major market disruptions or unexpected inflation. Field reports suggest this is at least partially due to the fact that many traders have been using the unofficial market exchange rate in their transactions for an extended period prior to the floating of the currency.

    • FleetMon ship tracking data suggest the number of bulk carriers, which typically transport most staple cereals, that have arrived into Al Hudaydah, Salif, Aden, and Al Mukalla ports sharply decreased in August. Nevertheless, the total number of bulk carrier arrivals in 2017 remains higher than in 2014. Moreoever, according to UNVIM, the monthly June to August average of food imports in 2017 is 10 percent higher than during the same time in 2016. Recent WFP reporting also suggests overall supply of major food commodities has improved on most markets in recent months.

    • The cholera outbreak continues in all of Yemen’s governorates except Socotra, with approximately 738,719 suspected cases identified and 2,118 deaths reported between April 27 and September 25, 2017. Populations facing both food consumption gaps and cholera remain at the highest risk of increased mortality.

    This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.

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