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Irregular rainfall affects the poorest households in Central America and Haiti

Irregular rainfall affects the poorest households in Central America and Haiti

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  • Key Messages
  • Key Messages
    • El Niño conditions are forecast up to January 2020, rains with irregular distribution in time and space during May have been observed with low accumulations affecting the beginning of basic grain crops in the region. In Guatemala and El Salvador, cumulated rainfall is above average during May, but distribution was not adequate. Above normal temperatures have favored evapotranspiration and could affect the soil moisture.

    • In Central America, maize supplies remained sufficient but continued to decline, thanks to carryover stocks and imports. Maize and bean price were stable, except in Nicaragua with both prices declining in April. In Haiti, markets are well supplied. Local maize and black bean prices increased in April while imported rice and maize meal prices were stable but above average.

    • In Haiti, maize and bean plantations are beginning to be harvested in certain areas. Maize and beans crops in irrigated plains forecast good harvests. However, the situation is difficult in drought-prone areas, particularly the Far North and the southern peninsula.

    • In Central America, due to depleted stocks, the poorest households will rely on the market during the May-August period. Due to limited income sources, they will adopt coping strategies including the sale of their livelihood assets, purchase of none preferred foods, reducing meals and rations and migration to urban centers or abroad.

    • As livelihoods keep deteriorating due to crop losses, reduced incomes and food prices above average, poor households continue to engage in negative coping strategies to meet their food needs. They will be in Stress (IPC, Phase 2). However, there is a number of poorest households, that are facing a longer lean season relying more on the market without options of income generation are facing Crisis (IPC, Phase 3) food security outcomes, particularly in Haiti and Guatemala.

    This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.

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