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Areas worst affected by the passage of Hurricane Matthew are likely to remain in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) through June 2017. Starting in July, harvests of Printemps crops, associated seasonal declines in staple food prices, and agricultural labor income are expected to improve food security outcomes. Between June and September, most areas of the country will face Minimal (IPC Phase 1) or Stressed (IPC Phase 2) acute food insecurity outcomes, while certain households will remain in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) in parts of the southern peninsula, upper Artibonite, and Sud-Est Department.
While most poor households have exhausted own food stocks, they are mostly accessing staple foods via market purchases. In areas worst affected by the hurricane, a change in dietary consumption has been observed due to the lack of roots, tubers, breadfruit, and banana that are normally produced and consumed locally. Poor households are continuing to rely on labor migration, charcoal production, and the sale of livestock in order to meet their essential food needs.
The Printemps agricultural season is progressing normally in most areas. Main crops such as maize and beans are developing well, leading to good prospects for harvests in June/July. Demand for agricultural labor has remained steady during the April to June lean season and should increase in the coming months as Printemps harvests coincide with preparation for the Eté agricultural season.
In Sud and Grand’Anse departments, maize crops planted in February are developing normally. However, bean crops, likely representing one-third of area cultivated, were significantly affected by heavy rainfall during late April, in some cases even leading to germination of bean crops still in the maturation phase. Yields are likely to be reduced by as much as half in certain parts of Sud and wider areas of Grand’Anse department due to excessive rainfall and localized flooding.
This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.