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The late and low rainfall hamper seeding for the Summer campaign, which started well only in the humid mountains. Additionally, Spring harvests reached their peak in July in areas where this campaign was successful and was sown in March. Below normal production is expected due to drought. On the other hand, banana, root and tuber and fruit crops are normal.
Some households are adopting new coping strategies such as the consumption of non-preferred products and seem uncertain about the upcoming reopening of classes. On the other hand, non-agricultural sources of income (notably charcoal sales and labor in the Dominican Republic) remain at a normal level.
In July, the price of local maize showed relative stability compared to June, while that of black pea fell (more than 7%). The price of imported rice continues to rise and be above the five-year average.
The whole country will therefore remain in Stressed (IPC, Phase 2) and in Minimal (IPC, Phase 1) food insecurity. Some households in the Haut-Plateau, the Nord and the Nord-Est could be in crisis (IPC, Phase 3), given the impact of the drought on their livelihoods, but in an insufficient number to change the area classification.
This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.