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In West Africa, market availability was adequate in August with supplies from 2014/15 harvests and international rice and wheat imports. Regionally-produced staple food prices were stable or increased seasonally. Markets remained disrupted in areas directly and indirectly affected by conflict in northeastern Nigeria and neighboring areas.
In East Africa, maize prices varied considerably across the region last month: increasing in South Sudan and parts of Tanzania, stabilizing in Kenya, and decreasing in Uganda. Conflict and insecurity continued to disrupt markets in parts of South Sudan, Somalia, the Darfur and South Kordofan States in Sudan, and across Yemen.
In Southern Africa, regional maize production for the 2015/16 marketing year is estimated to be below-average at the regional level, including South Africa. Production is significantly below average in Malawi and Zimbabwe. Maize prices followed seasonal trends in August, remaining stable or beginning to increase as stocks tightened.
In Central America and Haiti market supplies of locally-produced maize and beans were below-average across the region due to the effects of subsequent below-average harvests over 2013 and 2014, and the current 2015 Primera harvest. Maize and bean prices were mixed. Locally produced bean prices increased considerably in Haiti in recent months, while imported commodity prices remained stable.
In Central Asia, wheat availability remained good in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Prices varied across the region.
International staple food markets are well supplied. Maize, wheat, and soybean prices decreased while rice prices were stable in August, but all were below their respective 2014 levels (Figure 2). Crude oil prices decreased again in August and remained below-average.
Price Watch offers a monthly summary and outlook on global, regional and national trends of key commodity prices in FEWS NET countries. Analysis may touch on global issues, such as fuel prices or exchange rates, if they are likely to influence staple food prices in FEWS NET countries. The accompanying Price Watch Annex details price trends by country.