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August 2019 Global Price Watch

August 2019 Global Price Watch

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    • In West Africa, market supplies decreased throughout the lean season but remained at above-average levels due to the favorable harvest from last year and off-season crops. Demand is below average due to sustained household stocks and reduced institutional purchases. Coarse grain prices in most markets in the Sahel continued to decrease or remained stable compared to the previous month and below the previous year and five-year average. In non-XOF coastal countries, currency depreciation and inflation sustained above-average imported and local rice prices. Atypical market trends persist in insecurity-stricken Greater Lake Chad basin, Tibesti region, and Liptako-Gourma region.

    • In East Africa, maize and sorghum prices declined in Uganda and Tanzania with increased supplies from the May-to-August harvest. Locally produced commodity prices were atypically stable or increasing in Somalia due to below-average June-to-July harvests. Prices remained higher than last year and recent five-year average levels in many markets due to tighter supplies. Wheat flour prices were stable at elevated levels in Yemen. Livestock prices increased with improved rangeland conditions during the ongoing June-to-November rainy season in many countries.

    • In Southern Africa, maize supplies in major markets were near or below-average levels in July. Maize grain prices exhibited mixed trends across the major markets in the region and are anticipated to remain stable through October and begin increasing in November. In Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe grain prices will remain above average. Maize grain was generally able to circulate between surplus and deficit areas.

    • In Central America, maize and bean market supplies remained sufficient but continued to decline in July with the progression of the Primera harvest. Carryover stocks and imports also contributed to supplies. Maize and bean price trends varied, with maize prices remaining above average and bean prices below average. Bean exports from Nicaragua continued to play an important role in regional supply. In Haiti, markets were adequately supplied with imported staple foods while supply of local staples was limited due to below-average Printemps harvests. Prices of both local and imported staple foods continue to be well above average. The Haitian gourde stabilized against the USD in July despite a 30 percent year-on-year depreciation.

    • Central Asia sustained adequate supplies and intraregional trade is expected to fill local wheat deficits within the region. Local wheat availability in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan is expected to be at average levels. Wheat prices have been increasing but remain at average levels in Kazakhstan and are above average in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan 

    • International staple food markets are well supplied. Maize and wheat prices were falling while rice and soybean prices were stable. The continued risk of supply disruptions triggered an increase in Global crude oil prices while global fertilizer prices were mixed in July.

    Price Watch offers a monthly summary and outlook on global, regional and national trends of key commodity prices in FEWS NET countries. Analysis may touch on global issues, such as fuel prices or exchange rates, if they are likely to influence staple food prices in FEWS NET countries. The accompanying Price Watch Annex details price trends by country.

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