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August 2016 Global Price Watch

August 2016 Global Price Watch

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    • In West Africa, market availability was good in July with supplies from above-average 2015/16 regional harvests, and international rice and wheat imports. Markets remained disrupted throughout the Lake Chad Basin and in parts of Central and Northern Mali. The recent depreciation of the Naira has led to price increases across Nigeria and reduced purchasing power for livestock in the Sahel.

    • In East Africa, staple food prices and the inflation rate increased sharply in South Sudan following abrupt escalation of conflict in Juba and the resulting significant disruption of market activity. Despite well below average supply from production in Ethiopia in late 2015 and early 2016, staple food prices have remained stable with the availability of food through humanitarian assistance programs, imports, and the start of green harvests in some areas. Maize prices increased in surplus-producing Tanzania and Uganda and exports to regional markets were constrained. Markets remain disrupted by insecurity in Yemen.

    • In Southern Africa, maize availability is well below average following consecutive years of well-below average regional production. Production in Zambia is estimated as average, while South Africa did not produce enough to meet domestic requirements. Maize prices increased atypically early in the marketing season and are well above-average levels across the region. Imports from outside of the region (likely from well-supplied international markets) will be required to fill the very large maize import gap.

    • In Central America, regional bean supplies were average, while imports sustained stable levels of maize supplies. Maize and bean prices were atypically stable or seasonally increased. Locally-produced staple food prices declined in Haiti with the progression of harvests in July, while imported rice and what prices remained stable.

    • In Central Asia, wheat availability remained adequate region-wide and trade continued between surplus and deficit countries. Prices are below their respective 2015 levels in surplus-producing areas.

    • International staple food markets remain well supplied. Rice prices were mixed, while maize, wheat, and soybean prices fell in July (Figure 2). Crude oil prices decreased and remained well below average.

    Price Watch offers a monthly summary and outlook on global, regional and national trends of key commodity prices in FEWS NET countries. Analysis may touch on global issues, such as fuel prices or exchange rates, if they are likely to influence staple food prices in FEWS NET countries. The accompanying Price Watch Annex details price trends by country.

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