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Niger Livelihoods Zoning "Plus"

Niger Livelihoods Zoning "Plus"

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    This Livelihood Zone Descriptions document includes the map and descriptions of livelihood zones in Niger based on secondary data reviews and workshops conducted in April 2011. The Livelihood Zone Descriptions product, sometimes called Livelihood Zoning Plus, provides points of reference for food security and livelihood monitoring against which conditions reported at a given time may justify more in-depth study. It is based on the traditional livelihood zoning component of the Household Economy Approach, which describes typical characteristics of the zone and provides seasonal calendars and food access calendars for poor households. In addition, some characteristics of socioeconomic status are explored through the juxtaposition of the relatively poorer and relatively better-off households, and common hazards and response strategies among poor households allow analysts to anticipate how households may be affected by various shocks. The descriptions provide a geographic context for interpreting existing monitoring data on production, prices, and other indicators in order to identify potential problems, whereas the zone map may be useful as a sampling frame for assessments.

    La déscription des moyens d’existence par zone accompagne une carte de la zone, avec une brève description des principales caractéristiques des moyens d’existence dans cette zone. Les cartes et les descriptions, qui identifient les variables pertinentes selon la zone géographique, sont utiles pour guider l'élaboration de systèmes de suivi. 

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