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s précipitations inférieures à la moyenne et un accès limité aux engrais impactent le début de la Saison 2023 A

s précipitations inférieures à la moyenne et un accès limité aux engrais impactent le début de la Saison 2023 A

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    • Minimum food security outcomes (IPC Phase 1) are recorded in most of Burundi, part of the food stocks of the 2022 B harvest close to the average, typical access to incomes and an increase in labour income with the start of the 2023 A season. However, Food Stress (IPC Phase 2) results are found in the Eastern and Northern Depressions livelihood areas and the Eastern Dry Plateaus, due to below-average incomes from the sale of beans, high commodity prices, below-normal work opportunities and below-average incomes from cross-border trade with Tanzania and and Rwanda.

    • The start of the small season of the little ones from September to January is delayed, which delays the start of the preparation of fields and seedlings for the Season 2023 A. In addition, key informants report that the wealthiest households can only access about half of the normal amount of fertilizer in mid-September due to shortages. The projected water deficit during the small rainy season from September to December is expected to have an impact on the low-lying areas of the East and North, the Dry Plateaux of the East and the Imbo Plain, as these areas are generally the most vulnerable to dry periods, causing localized damage to maize and bean crops especially.

    • In August, prices of basic foodstuffs rose by 25 to 60 per cent compared to last year and at the average of the five, with maize prices recording the largest increases due to increased demand and below-normal supply in the market. High food prices are usually due to the rising cost of fuel, which leads to an increase in transport costs. In September, fuel in Bujumbura is, on average, sold at 3,250 BIF/litre (~6.02 USD/gallon) compared to 2,400 BIF/litre (~4.43 USD/gallon) in February, an increase of 35%. Most trucks source fuel from unofficial markets, where prices are about three times higher than at gas stations. High fuel prices are likely to slow economic activity.

    • In September 2022, WFP provided a hybrid ration (in kind and cash) equivalent to 2,100 kilocalories per person per day to just over 55,500 refugees and asylum seekers from the DRC and 4,000 returnees. The daily ration includes 360 g of cereals, 120 g of beans, 25 g of vegetable oil and 5 g of salt per person. Currently, humanitarian aid supports the Minimal phase! of food security (IPC Phase 1!) among beneficiaries. However, about 13,000 returnees from February to July 2022 have probably exhausted their three-month food aid rations and are in Food Stress (IPC Phase 2), having not yet established typical sources of income and agricultural production.

    Cette mise à jour des des messages clés présente une analyse succincte des conditions actuelles d'insécurité alimentaire aiguë et de toute évolution de la dernière projection de FEWS NET concernant les résultats de l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë dans la géographie spécifiée. Pour en savoir plus sur le travail, cliquez ici.

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