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South Sudan Crisis Price Monitor

South Sudan Crisis Price Monitor

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    • Markets remain severely disrupted in Jonglei, Unity, and Upper Nile States following the outbreak of conflict since mid-December 2013 (Figure 1). However, the intensity of the conflict in South Sudan continued to abate through July in some areas. This enabled some markets to restart or increase activities, including Leer and Mirmir (Unity), Bor (Jonglei), and the emergence of a new market near UNMISS Protection of Civilian site (PoC) in Malakal (Upper Nile). 

    • In conflict-affected areas where market activities are ongoing, food is scarce and prices are exceptionally high (up to quadruple their respective 2013 levels in some areas). Trade volumes are also atypically low at this time of the May-toAugust lean season, when many households typically increase market purchases. Imports from Ethiopia into eastern South Sudan are less than half of their typical levels at this time of year. 

    • Outside of directly conflict-affected areas, sorghum and maize prices contined to follow their typical seasonal trends in July after remaining atypically stable or declining earlier in the year. Food availability is adequate in surplusproducing areas in Western Equatoria and parts of Central Equatoria from the previous season harvest, imports from regional markets (at low levels), and low demand from conflict-affected States.


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