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The 2016 long rains have been fully established across most parts of the country. The rains have been average to above average in the medium and high potential agricultural areas, which is expected to yield an average to above-average harvest in these areas. However, in the marginal agricultural and pastoral areas, rainfall has been below average in some areas, especially in the southeast and coastal marginal, which is likely to lead to a below-average crop harvest for the marginal areas.
Food security in the pastoral areas continues to improve as livestock productivity increases following better rangeland conditions and availability of household income from livestock and non-livestock-related sources. Most areas have received favorable cumulative rainfall amounts, partly influenced by El Niño, except localized parts of Garissa, Tana River and Marsabit counties. While some households are in None (IPC Phase 1), the majority remain Stressed (IPC Phase 2).
In the marginal agricultural areas, household food security continues to be stable. Households continue to undertake cropping activities with crops at various stages of development, ranging from germination to first weeding depending on the planting time. Agriculture wage labor continues to offer households income earning opportunities, albeit at below-normal levels due to a reduced scale of cropping activities, supporting food access. The majority of households remain in None (IPC Phase 1).
For more detailed analysis, see the Food Security Outlook for February – September 2016.
This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in the specified geography. Learn more here.